Yooo buddiees !
dapet materii lagii niih tentang cacat mata ..
Dilihaaat yaa :)
Hello Buddies !
Another file that i can share for you :))
This file told us about Enzym :)
Hope can be usefull :))
Enzym SMA.ppt
Another file that i can share for you :))
This file told us about Enzym :)
Hope can be usefull :))
Enzym SMA.ppt
sad, happy, cheer
Materi Pembelajaran
Cara Memasukkan file (word,excel,power point,PDF,dsb) pada Blogger ala Ciken
Uwow buddies,Ciken mau sekedar ngasi informasi untuk yang belum tahu bagaimana caranya memasukkan file fila yang udah disebutin di judul tadi ye ( baca = males ngetik lagi ).
Mau Bahas yang mana dulu neh ?
Dari yang paling Susah aja ya ( Belagu ).
Okaay ! kita mulai dari WORD !! ( Edan )
1. Kita harus punya Bloger User
2. Punya file yang mau di share
3. Punya net biar bisa konek ( harusnya ini no 1 )
4. Hayu ah serius dikit
File berformat (.doc),(.xls),(.ppt) di Blogger
- Kita harus punya user ID di www.blogger.com
- Sign up ( Punya Account ) di www.4shared.com atau di www.scribd.com (pilih salah satu , tapi kata KB juga, dua lebih baik :) )
- Regis dulu dengan tenang di situs itu, fungsi kita regis di situs tersebut agar kita bisa mendapatkan embed/kode HTML buat file kita yang nantinya sudah ter-upload. Dengan modal sabar dan teliti mengisi regis form disana , anda bisa regis secepat kilat kok ! (ctar!ctar!)
- Udah punya Id nye ?? Mangga di Upload dulu ahh .. Di situs itu juga ada icon UPLOAD nya (cari aja), jadi tinggal di klik aja dan pilih file yang mau di upload daaaan...tunggu ampe selesai di upload . (PLAK!)
- Udah di Upload tuh cit, OK ! anda ternyata ga gaptek gaptek juga yaa :D (sorry banget yang kesinggung)
---> Si Ciken Kesinggung. Nah, ketika anda sudah selesai mengupload file tsb, maka ga lama akan keluar dengan sendirinya text box yang berisi kode - kode HTML (File links) yang bisa ada copy. Tapi teliti untuk memilih kode kode tersebut, karena kode-kode tersebut terbagi atas beberapa jenis kode untuk dipasang diberbagai jenis web (ada yang untuk FB, Forum, Blog, dsb) nah, ya kita pilih yang Bloggeeer dooong . - Copy aja ntu si Kode HTML nya
- Masuk Ke www.blogger.com, entri baru, kasih judul buat postingan anda, lalu klik icon link dan paste kode HTML yang tadi anda copy :)
- Nah, beres deh :D (Pratinjau dulu, kalau di halaman blog anda udah bisa di klik dan nyambung si Link nya, berarti anda ga gaptek haha --> ngajak ribut )
Buat yang PDF :)
Sebelumnya, pengen posting file PDF yang bentuknya gimana nih ?
yang berbentuk link ? atau yang lagsung berbentuk Buku gitu ? (apaan??)
Kalo ga ngerti liat postingan gue yang ini nih ---> Ciken
Naah ? ngeti kan maksud ciken bentuknya gimanaa ?
Kalau berupa Link , itu ada dibawah si bukunya :)
Yang berupa link, bisa menggunakan cara yang sudah diajarkan diatas tadi :) -
---> tapi LAMA (ngasih tau) --> ntar ciken kasih tau gimana cara singkatnya (alaguetapi).
Sekaraaang, kita coba yang berupa bentuuk buku online aja yuk (apa cit ? buku online ? hidup dimana sih elu ?) ---> berisik, banyak protes lu cik.
Kalo ciken waktu itu ngoprek dengan melalui langkah sesat seperti ini :
- Googling dulu di www.google.com, tapi ciken Googling di Google Buku.
- Dapet buku yang kelihatannya menarik buat di Share, Klik di gambar buku tersebut.
- Setelah di klik, lihat di pojok kanan atas dari ujung kanan gambar isi buku. Ada icon bertulisan 'Tautan', klik !
- Copy Kode HTML yang kedua. yang pertama itu buat link nya aja :P --> salah satu cara singkat yang tadi.
- Nah, nyampe di Blogger, kita posting dengan format 'Edit HTML' . Paste aja si Kode HTML yang udah di copy tadi.
- Selesai deh :) --> nanti keluar si buku online nya di blog kamu :)
- # Kalau buat masukin PDF di Blogger via Link (adeeeeh via -.-), ciken cari data PDF nya di www.pdftop.com disana ciken cari file PDF dengan materi yang ciken cari (Pemborosan kata-__-) lalu si link dari page itulah yang aku jadiin link di blog ciken :o ciken masih belum tahu gimana caranya buat masang file PDF punya sendiri, soalnya gatau mau di upload dimana TT.TT bisa sih di www.4shared.com ... tapi.... #no comment# --> cobain aja deh :))
- Well... I guess that's all that i could share about :)
Kalau ada yang ditanyakan, Posting komentar aje yah :)
Cikeeen juga mintaa saraaan yaa ! siapa tau kalian punya cara yang lebih Waras dari cara ciken :))
Maaf kalaubanyak salah dan susah dimengerti, ciken juga masih belajar ahahahaha (mana belagu banget ini anak) --> APASIH ?!
#ciken menerima royalti dengan senang hati kok :)) MAGNUM boleh kok muehehehe >.<
sad, happy, cheer
Materi Pembelajaran,
Biology files - growth and development in plants.doc
Due to my homework to post a document in this blog, i'll show you a .doc file .
This file is my Study Review about Biology - growth and development in plants and Biology - Metabolism
Hope it wil be usefull :)
Oh yeah, it uses Indonesian anyway hahaha
Click Here Buddy :)
sad, happy, cheer
Materi Pembelajaran,
Undescribeable Quotes
Hello, Today I Learnt something guys!
Just Check these Quotes. Quotes that really inspire my life which is reeaaaally complicated -.-
Hahaha, everyone also have the same complicated life , cit :|
okay , my selfish thoughts were coming out hhhrooah ! O.o
Well, hope you'll understand the true meanings of these quotes.
Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
Albert Einstein
#It was before , and what happened if it was After ?
Just Check these Quotes. Quotes that really inspire my life which is reeaaaally complicated -.-
Hahaha, everyone also have the same complicated life , cit :|
okay , my selfish thoughts were coming out hhhrooah ! O.o
Well, hope you'll understand the true meanings of these quotes.
Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
Albert Einstein
#It was before , and what happened if it was After ?
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso
#Answers are not the most important things..eh?
In great affairs men show themselves as they wish to be seen in small things they show themselves as they are. Nicholas Chamfort
#Try to understood something from a small thing...
If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. This matters above everything.
Confucius Witty
Confucius Witty
#One key = Thousand Ways
Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#You'll know when you understand..
Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell.
Joan Crawford
Joan Crawford
Wise men don't need advice. Fools won't take it.
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
#So ? Wise Persons are Fools ? or Fools are Wise Persons ? (big question!)
A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
#Keep Introspecting guys..
Which one Worse ? Crying out loud or Crying with a smile ?
#Crying with a laugh
Which one Worse ? Crying out loud or Crying with a smile ?
#Crying with a laugh
Do not ever again expect in humans
#Why ? are they gonna hurt me ?
An another day for an another troubles. An another troubles for an another smile. An another smile for an another chuckles. another chuckles for another me. And an another me for an another day.
#...rolling around @.@
Did you get it ?
Hope you can Pick the lessons from the quotes
oh yes ! I want to ask you before you finished read (looking at) this post..
Do you understand with this quote :
"God would always Fair but Life is Never Fair"
got it ?
"God would always Fair but Life is Never Fair"
got it ?
sad, happy, cheer
Kimia - Laju Reaksi !
Yo Yo Yo Yo ! kitaa belajaar ttg Laju reaksii yoo :)
Book : View and Download Here :)
Explanation !
Summary : Kimia - Laju Reaksi ----> FLASH
Want to test your Skills ?? SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT ! :)))
buat yang belum belajar, jadiin ini dasar ajaaa yaa ..
yang udah pernah belajar, ayoo kita ulang lagii biar ga lupaa ..
ciken yakin kalian pasti ada yang lupa lupa ingeeet hehehe #akujugalupasoalnya
YUP !!
Apa itu Laju Reaksi ?
Laju reaksi atau kecepatan reaksi menyatakan banyaknya reaksi yang berlangsung per satuan waktu. Laju reaksi menyatakan konsentrasi zat terlarut dalam reaksi yang dihasilkan tiap detik reaksi.
Laju reaksi atau kecepatan reaksi menyatakan banyaknya reaksi yang berlangsung per satuan waktu. Laju reaksi menyatakan konsentrasi zat terlarut dalam reaksi yang dihasilkan tiap detik reaksi.
Book : View and Download Here :)
Explanation !
Summary : Kimia - Laju Reaksi ----> FLASH
Want to test your Skills ?? SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT ! :)))
sad, happy, cheer
Materi Pembelajaran
Genetika dan Mendel :))
Yaaaaawn ! uaaah >,<
let's see .. what we do have hereee for my next day ??
ah ! yes ! Tomorrow i will have a Biology Class :)
And i will Learn about Genetics and The Work Of Mendel .
How About you guys ??
Wanna to learn it together with me :D ?
Let's Study About Genetics and the Theory of Mendel :))
Read this book for More Explanation ;)
And look ! I've found A funny and Interesting Video about Heredity !
Did you get it ? hahahaha, honestly i'm kinda Dizzy here :)) ahahaha Kidding
Summary : Mendel Oh Mendel -__-
Wanna to test your skills ? SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT :)))
WOW ! That waaas Fun !
okay then , i guess i have to take a rest before i continue study again..
See you Buddies !
Hope It will be Useful :))
sad, happy, cheer
Materi Pembelajaran
Trik Lolos Ujian Ptn
Yak ! Buddies I want to share a litlle tips for FIGHTING the PTN test simply.
I've found this book when i'm googling around :)
Check This OUT !
Hope you enjoy it :))
Well , what do you think about it ? Are you satisfy enough ?
Ohh, so do yo want more ??
Just Check This OUT !!
I've found this book when i'm googling around :)
Check This OUT !
Hope you enjoy it :))
Well , what do you think about it ? Are you satisfy enough ?
Ohh, so do yo want more ??
Just Check This OUT !!
sad, happy, cheer
Materi Pembelajaran,
Postingan (Atom)
Favorite Quote
What We Want Is Not Always What We Need.