Puss in Boots is a 2011 computer-animated adventure Western film produced by DreamWorks Animation, directed by Chris Miller (who directed Shrek The Third in 2007), executive produced by Guillermo del Toro, and written by Brian Lynch, with screenplay by Tom Wheeler. It Stars Antonio Bandreas, Salma Hayek, Zach Galifianakis, Billy Bob Thornton and Amy Sedaris. The Fillm was released in theaters on October 28, 2011 in digital 3D and IMAX 3D.
The film is a spinoff prequel to the Shrek franchise, and it follows the character Puss in Boots on his adventures before his first appearance in Shrek 2 in 2004
Directed by | Chris Miller |
Produced by | Latifa Ouaou Joe M. Aguilar |
Written by | Tom Wheeler David H. Steinberg Brian Lynch |
Narrated by | Antonio Banderas |
Music by | Henry Jackman |
Editing by | Eric Dapkewicz |
Studio | DreamWorks Animation |
Distributed by | Paramount Pictures |
Release date(s) | October 28, 2011 |
Running time | 90 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Cast :
- Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots
- Salma Hayek as Kitty Softpaws, a Tuxedo cat who is Puss's female counterpart
- Zach Galifianakis as Humpty Alexander Dumpty, the mastermind who intends on retrieving the Golden Eggs from the one-of-a-kind Goose
- Billy Bob Thornton & Amy Sedaris as Jack and Jill (married), two murderous outlaws
- Zeus Mendoza as Rancher
- Constance Marie as Imelda, Puss's surrogate mother
- Guillermo del Toro as Moustache Man, Comandate
- Bob Joles as Guiseppe
Before Puss met with Shrek and Donkey in Shrek 2, he was start his adventure when he arrives on a town while escaping a bounty hunter. There he learns that the outlaw couple Jack (Billy Bob Thornton) and Jill (Amy Sedaris) have the magic beans he's been looking for most of his life, beans that can lead him to a giant's castle holding valuable golden goose eggs. When he tries to steal them from the outlaws' room, a masked cat (Salma Hayek) interrupts. Both fail and escape, and Puss follows the cat back to Cat Cantina, a club, where they have a dance-off and a sword fight, ending when Puss hits the masked cat in the head with a guitar. He learns that the masked cat was Kitty Softpaws. She is allied with Humpty Alexander Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis), a talking egg and Puss' long-estranged childhood friend from the orphanage where he was raised. Humpty was happy to see Puss again, but not with Puss. He doens't like humpty anymore because of it's betrayal on Puss Past that make Puss can't go home anymore to his hometown. But Humpty said that he need Puss to be a friend again, because he still remember about a promise that they ever made to found the magic beans together as a Best Friend. But Puss totally refused.
When Puss went off the Cat Cantina, Kitty run after him and she persuades him to think about Humpty's plan. Puss tells Kitty of his feelings of betrayal for a youthful misadventure when Humpty tricked Puss into helping commit a crime. It turned out that Kitty was sleeping through the story. Humpty attempts to convince Puss to join them in finding the beans and retrieving the golden eggs, which he does. And for some good reasons from Humpty and the way he talked with a lot of trust that he won't do the same fault again to his friend, Puss joined the team to steal the magic beans with humpty and Kitty.
The trio steals the beans from Jack and Jill and elude the angry outlaws in a canyon chase. As Humpty leads his compatriots to the spot where they must plant the beans, Puss and Kitty's relationship begins to grow from rivalry into friendship. The trio ride the fast-growing beanstalk into the clouds where, Humpty explains, they'll find castle of the late giant. Now, he continues, a fearsome monster called the Terror guards the Golden Goose. When they realize the golden eggs are too heavy to carry, they steal the Goose — which is just a gosling — and escape the castle and the Terror. While celebrating their victory, the group is ambushed by Jack and Jill, who knock Puss unconscious.
When Puss wakes up, he tracks Jack and Jill back to his old hometown, where he learns that the entire heist was a plot by Humpty to lure him home to be captured, as revenge for abandoning him to the authorities when Humpty's youthful heist went bad. Jack, Jill, and even Kitty were involved in the con. After pleas from his adoptive mother, the head of the orphanage, Puss turns himself in to the guards while Humpty donates many golden eggs to the town and becomes a hero.
Will puss get out from the prison? Will he return his good name again? and how about kitty? Does she really abandon Puss just like that ? And what do you think about the end the story? Will humpty get the revenge from puss? I told you this movie have it's unpredictable ending. And I Reccomend you a lot to watch this movie soon! You'll learn how to look good because look good is never looked good.
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